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About Us

Rock Solid Science is produced by the members of the 2014 Technical and Scientific Writing class at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.

Meet the Rock Solid Science Staff!

Elyssa Bender

Elyssa is a 22-year-old senior from Pottsville, Pa. She is an English Professional Writing Major with a fiance named Michael. She likes to cook, sing, paint, do ceramics, and hang out with friends.  Her favorite tv shows are Modern Family, Gilmore Girls, Family Guy, Pretty Little Liars, and Orange Is The New Black. Her favorite movie is The Breakfast Club.


Breanne Mason

Breanne Mason is a senior double Creative and Professional Writing major at Slippery Rock University with a General Art minor. She enjoys reading, writing, and painting.



Maria Soldner

Maria Soldner is a 20-year-old Junior at  Slippery Rock University with a double major in Creative Writing and Professional Writing. She enjoys reading and  serenading her dog on guitar.



Cody Byers

Cody Byers is a 21-year-old senior double majoring in English-Professional Writing and Professional Studies. She is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, Golden Key International Honor Society, Phi Kappa Phi, and P.A.W.S. She is a peer tutor in Slippery Rock’s Writing Center and an IMC assistant in Bailey Library. When she has free time, Cody is either sleeping, eating Nutella, or chillin’ with the animals at her local humane society.



Conor Frampton

Conor Frampton is a 20-year-old Professional Writing major with a minor in Film.  He is a member of SLAB lit mag and The Roxy film mag.Conor’s passions in life include listening to music and watching films, he is a frequent concert-goer and cinema attendee. Conor’s plans for life are centered around finding his niche and achieving a zen state of mind. His grand ambition is to be a publisher



Briana Gesswein

Briana is a Professional Writing major with a Psychology minor. Her passions are Sailor Moon, horror, paranormal, supernatural, and medical oddities. She is mostly dead inside.


Alex Rizzutto

Alex Rizzutto is a 22-year-old, senior Professional Writing major with a minor in Communication.  He is, among other things, the current president of Sigma Tau Delta, the fiction editor for SLAB, a CSIL Volunteer Programs Coordinator, and a Pittsburgh sports fan.  In his spare time, Alex likes to read, write, listen/play music, watch movies, and spend time with friends.



Christine Elick

Chrissy is a 26-year-old senior majoring in English-Professional Writing. She is also a current member of Sigma Tau Delta. Her future plans include acquiring a Masters degree in science writing, traveling and completing a book she is currently working on. When she is not working towards her goals, Chrissy enjoys spending time with friends, being in nature, and road trips.



Robert C. Lee

I am a 59-something Senior majoring in Professional Studies/ Homeland Security, graduating May 2015.  I have two great sons, Zachary who is 31 and Brady who is 17 going on 21.  My goal is to take the knowledge I have gained over the last 4 years and begin using this knowledge the next 50 years hopefully.







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